One day, there was a boy whose name is Lloyd. He had a messy hair, very stinky and always late for school. He never took a bath every day, did not listen to his parents who their names were Margret and Benjamin. He did not do his homework on time. When the parents gave him food to eat like veggies, fruits and a lot healthier foods that were good for his body, Lloyd rejected it and preferred fast food. So, they answered if he would be a good boy, we would give him fast food. His parents told him always to clean his room and put his clothes in his closet and the dirty ones in the hamper. Lloyd’s room was a mess. There were clothes on the floor, his LEGOs were everywhere, and cockroaches were making a home in his clothes. Even if his mom put a schedule, he said that it is his room, and he could do whatever he wanted because nobody should tell him what he should do! So, he slammed the door and locked it. When he was misbehaving like in this case, his parents put him outside o
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