How overfishing is impacting aquatic life - Janlord

  Janlord Christian D. Tongol

How overfishing is impacting aquatic life.

Overfishing has a lot of downsides and problems that are hurting marine or aquatic life, overfishing can cause Marine life to lessen and that could affect the food chain of the aquatic animals, if the food chain were to break all the animals that is part of the chain will be affected and it would cause a type of domino effect to happen, coral would over grow, predators like shark or anything that feed on fish would slowly lessen in population as the less amount of fish there is, the less they would be able to eat, humans can also be affected as overfishing may result in a lot of fish, those fish will run out and we would lose one of the easiest food to obtain, there may be other types of food we humans may eat but fish has a high nutritional value and can be a versatile ingredient on other foods, another type of problem is if you over fish predetors, an example was that in South America, they over fished the sharks, resulting in a increase of population of fish, jellyfish, crabs, etc. another type of  problem that can occur by overfishing is that the amount of fish in an area can be overfished so much that the fish on the area can be non existent and companies or fisherman that are selling fish would have to relocate to other areas and would possibly be forced to fish in areas that are not allowed to be fished at or also known as no fishing areas.


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